Jornal do Brasil of Rio de Janeiro noted with indignation that the Spanish newspaper El País published a piece that identified what it called the Brazilian “knack” for finding the way out of a “no-win situation,” with an “air of intelligence” plus some “ancestral creativity.”

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that Reporters Without Borders has called for an investigation into spying on the San José-based Diario Extra newspaper, which revealed at a news conference Monday that the Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) and the office of the public prosecutor have been monitoring the private and professional phone calls of

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that work to enlarge the Panama Canal will be completed in 2015 no matter what, according to Panamanian Finance Minister Frank De Lima, despite the continuing feud over cost overruns with contractor GUPC.  The Panama Canal authority “has strongly affirmed that the canal would be complete in 2015,

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MercoPress of Montevideo reported that fourteen police officers from Uruguay are currently attending courses at the Criminology Institute at Cambridge University, as part of their training for the country’s Citizens’ Security program, implemented with the support from the Inter American Development bank. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá reported that Rafael Correa wants Latin America to defend human rights without “guardians.” 

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María López Conde wrote in The Rio Times of Rio de Janeiro that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff defended her government’s public safety policies across the nation in an interview with two radio stations amid growing national and international outrage over violence at Brazil’s overcrowded prisons. 

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Santiago Del Carril observed in the Buenos Aires Herald that “a penchant to analyze reality” means that Argentina ranks seventh in the world in think-tanks, and first in the region. 

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Carin Steen wrote in Honduras Weekly of Tegucigalpa about “Teresa’s Story.”  Steen tells the story: “This is about a family that I’ve known for years, living in a small village near Copán Ruinas. The oldest kids were some of the first students I ever taught and the rest of the brothers and sisters steadily followed

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In PáginaSIETE of La Paz Sergio Mendoza reported that approximately 15% of buildings in the south of La Paz have no approved plans. 

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz reported that the lack of paper still threatens daily newspapers in Venezuela.  While many blame the economic crisis, others see political causes.  The Caracas daily El Nacional printed a front page letter to President Nicolás Maduro complaining of the situation. 

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