Clarín of Buenos Aires noted that U.S. policy towards Cuba remains out of sync with the rest of the hemisphere. 

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MercoPress of Montevideo reported that former Brazilian president Lula da Silva has lobbied strongly in New York, “trying to convince U.S. investors” to do business in Brazil, during a conference of the American Society and Council of Americas, which organized the event.  The day before, the U.S Federal Reserve classified Brazil as the emerging market

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Sebastián Lacunza wrote in the Buenos Aires Herald that Marco Rubio and Robert Menéndez, both members of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations committee, “anticipated a deep crisis in Argentina and criticized the local democratic standards during the heated hearing” to confirm Barack Obama’s nominee for US ambassador to Buenos Aires, Noah Mamet, who happens to

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In El Nacional of Caracas Demetrio Boersner argued that when “some progressives and democratic intellectuals” analyze problems in Europe or North America they are measured, reasonable democrats.  But when they “focus on the dynamics of developing countries, they become apologists for Stalinism or other authoritarian formulas.” 

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In BNamericas of Santiago David Roberts pointed to the “irony of communist-run Cuba holding the presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations (Celac), and staging the second annual summit of the group in Havana.”   

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Jorge Fernández Menéndez wrote in Excélsior of Mexico City that the “the legalization of marijuana,” such as the legislature of the Mexican federal district aspires to, is “ill-conceived” and will “make more problems than solutions.” 

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An editorial  of Prensa Libre of Guatemala City recommended that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro take note of “the famous slogan of a U.S. presidential campaign,” and remember that “the main issue is the economy.”  

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Charlotte Karrlsson-Willis wrote in The Santiago Times that official bilateral relations between Chile and Peru were “stronger than ever,” ahead of the ruling over the maritime dispute, but Peruvians held a solidarity event in Chile to ease tensions.  The Hague ruling to determine sovereignty of fertile fishing waters between Chile and Peru was expected to

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Buenos Aires Herald noted that the CELAC Summit got started with predictable condemnations.  The President of Cuba, Raúl Castro, warned against the “foreign interference” suffered by Latin America and the Caribbean region, at the opening of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States summit in Havana.  

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La Jornada of Mexico City wrote that pleas were to no avail.  The Mexican Edgar Tamayo was executed for the murder of a Houston police officer in 1994.  Tamayo received a lethal injection and took 17 minutes to die in the execution chamber of Huntsville Prison after the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the defense’s appeals. 

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