Prensa Libre of Guatemala City noted that the U.S. Border Patrol made ​​420,000 arrests last year.  That’s an increase of 16% over the previous year, but still 42% below the 2008 level.  More than 98% of those arrests were made at the southwest border, especially in Texas. 

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ÚltimaHora of Asunción Saira Baruja insists that rural tourism is an option for this summer’s leisure time.  When the heat comes to Paraguay, “people want to enjoy the sun and fresh air. That’s when people start thinking about options for travel.” 

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In El Espectador of Bogotá Marcela Díaz Sandoval noted that between the 22nd and 26th of January the streets of Madrid  would be besieged by tourists from 165 countries for the 2014 International Tourism Fair (Fitur), “the second largest in the world,” which seeks to promote tourism and trade between countries.  

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Francisca Montecinos noted in La Tercera of Santiago that at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival the Chilean film “Matar a un hombre” (“To Kill a Man”) ​​won the Jury Prize for Best drama performed outside the United States. 

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Óscar Collazos wrote in El Tiempo of Bogotá,  that as contemporary art has pulled away from the people, that is, has lost the understanding and sympathy of a large number of people, many “empirical” artists have been “expelled” from the new trends and taken refuge in what has been called the “folk art.” 

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The Buenos Aires Herald reported another wave of piranha attacks near Rosario in the Paraná River. 

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Jorge A. Pérez wrote in La Jornada of Mexico City that corporations engaged in the production of tequila and mezcal in Oaxaca are following unsustainable practices

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Inside Costa Rica of San José wrote that Panama will try to control a dengue outbreak that has claimed six lives this year by releasing transgenic mosquitoes to render infertile female transmitters of the disease, officials said. 

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In El Espectador of Bogotá Armando Montenegro argued that the conclusion of negotiations with the guerrillas will not be the end point, but just the beginning of a series of reforms and initiatives that will be brought forward through referendums, laws, and administrative efforts. 

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In Colombia Reports of Medellín Luke Horswell wrote that the Mexican Democratic Revolution Party’s (PRD) Secretary General, Alejandro Sánchez Camacho, has called for an investigation

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