Semana Magazine of Bogotá noted that Cuban authorities have lifted the ban on the ability of citizens to rent housing and commercial real estate, but also noted that the prices will be out of reach for most Cubans. 

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Semana Magazine of Bogotá reported that while thousands of young black people are taking to the luxury malls of Brazil, they are finding themselves shut out, or harassed by police and private security.  “Brazil often purports to be the perfect multicultural society where whites, blacks, Indians, mestizos, and Asians live together in a harmonious union.

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La Nación of Asunción reported that to confront the “always present problem of landlessness and the consequent crisis generated in the countryside by constant clashes between peasants and landowners,” several MPs have submitted a draft law on agricultural society. 

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ListínDiario of Santo Domingo lamented that 40% of women in the DR who experience violence eventually abandon the legal process.  District Attorney Yeni Berenice Reinoso says that women often end complaints and return to an abusive husband for “psycho-social” reasons, but more often than not for economic reasons. 

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ÚltimaHora of Asunción reflected on Paraguayan democracy on its “25th birthday,” by noting that it “shows signs of adulthood, but still drags along its vices acquired in an eventful childhood and adolescence, and even its inherited traumas of the long dictatorship which was its predecessor.”  And although Paraguay is a largely Christian country, one can

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Eduardo Sarmiento argued in El Espectador of Bogotá that the big economic picture has changed a lot in the last ten years. On the one hand are the countries of the Pacific Alliance and on the other the Southern Cone countries and their allies, specifically Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Bolivia.

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Ruy Castro observed in Folha de São Paulo that the publication of newspapers and magazines online has opened an important channel of communication with readers.

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Luis I. Sandoval, in El Espectador of Bogotá, wanted to be “direct and frank…but also purposeful.”   “What do we see looking at Europe from the outside?  We see a Europe that is languishing, a collapsed Europe, a Europe that is self-absorbed and self-satisfied to some extent, listless and tired.”  Yes, these are “very ugly and

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Alarm over inflation and a possible economic collapse, enflamed by disputes over government measures and their justifications, have Argentines concerned.  Given recent Argentine economic history, many people feel a sense of dread.

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MercoPress of Montevideo reported that Brazil’s economy added the fewest net payroll jobs in a decade in 2013, a sign that three consecutive years of weak economic growth is weighing down the economy, according to the latest government data.  However, unemployment remains at record lows. 

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