In La Jornada of Mexico City Susana González observed that Mexico is one of the four Latin American countries with the most social and environmental conflicts caused by mining companies. 

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According to El Espectador of Bogotá the Government of Bolivia described as “delusional” an article in the Wall Street Journal

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Mercopress of Montevideo noted that the United Nations General Assembly recently elected Chad, Chile, Lithuania, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia to serve as non-permanent members on the Security Council for two-year terms beginning on 1 January 2014.

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Miguel Braun in the Buenos Aires Herald observed that when President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recently compared Argentina to Australia, knowingly or not, she was following a well-worn path. 

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La República of Lima noted that China has investment projects in Latin America totaling 26 billion U.S. dollars,

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La Jornada of Mexico City reported that U.S. President Barack Obama told his Brazilian counterpart, Dilma Rousseff , regarding allegations of U.S. espionage against Brazil, that there are issues over which he has little control,

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So said the Mercopress of Montevideo.  “Argentines despise ‘US imperialism’ but love dollars to protect the value of their assets.” 

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William Pearl maintains in El Espectador of Bogotá that “Latin America must learn the lessons of the European Union.” 

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Prensa Libre of Guatemala City noted that a Panamanian official who requested anonymity confirmed that Panama’s government is granting asylum to Galo Lara,

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El Espectador of Bogotá wrote that Chileans in Antofagasta protested against the Colombian community there. 

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