As the Buenos Aires Herald recognized, the Colombian government and the FARC have reached a “fundamental agreement” on the guerrillas’ future in politics, one of the toughest issues to be addressed in peace talks in Cuba.  

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While the Media Law passed by the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner in 2009 was finally declared constitutional in October by the Argentine high court, critics of the law have hardly surrendered. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá asserted that “if anything is clear,” the peace process and post-conflict settlement will be key issues in the next presidential election. 

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El Comercio of Lima reported that 60% of Peruvians disapprove of President Ollanta Humala, according to the latest survey by Datum International. 

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The Buenos Aires Herald reported that according to a recent poll, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff “is coasting into an election year” as the clear favorite, though “she must do more to curb violence and corruption to maintain her popularity.” 

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Prensa Gráfica of San Salvador reported that Jorge Velado, president of the ARENA party’s national executive council, alleged that the ruling leftist FMLN party and its presidential candidate, Salvador Sánchez Cerén, are perpetrating political harassment

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Fredy Martin reported in El Universal of Mexico City that the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) announced, in a statement signed by Subcomandante Marcos, that the armed group cannot ignore the “climate of hysteria”

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Maite Azuela lamented in El Universal of Mexico City that despite the recommendation of the UN, which encouraged the government of Mexico to ratify educational reform

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz editorialized that in Bolivia “almost half of women elected to office (as city council members) claim to have been victims of violence and political harassment, aggressiveness, and abuse” in regards to their official functions. 

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So argues James Neilson in the Buenos Aires Herald.  Ever since Sergio Massa emerged on the scene as a presidential contender people have been wondering “what exactly does he stand for?” 

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