The Buenos Aires Herald observed that “amid great expectations” the Argentine Supreme Court upheld, in a 6 to 1 vote, the constitutionality of the Broadcast Media Law

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Mercopress of Montevideo noted that riots continue in Brazil.  In São Paulo a group of “’vandals” wearing black hoods broke store windows, smashed ATM machines,

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La República of Lima reported that Latin America has registered a significant improvement in terms of the “gender gap,” according to the World Economic Forum. 

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that Costa Rica’s black population is hindered by less education and professional employment. 

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El Comercio of Lima reported that President Ollanta Humala defended the “Warma Qali” food program for children after new complaints about its safety. 

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La Jornada of Mexico City noted that according to reports from the Federal Ministry of Health, a recent surge in cholera cases has been detected

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El Heraldo of Tegucigalpa reported that Costa Rica is the Central American country which invests the most in childhood and adolescence, while Nicaragua spends the least,

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La Nación of Asunción noted that a recent report finds that the percentage of Paraguayans who would tolerate an authoritarian regime has increased

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz chronicled how the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, Muhammad Yunus, visited Bolivia to hold meetings with President Evo Morales

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President Mauricio Funes (as Commander in Chief of the Salvadoran Armed Forces) recently ordered the army to stop referring to officers who committed human rights violations during the Salvadoran Civil War as “heroes.”  

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