Brazil has sixteen of the 50 most violent cities in the world. 

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The military has refused to answer dozens of letters from the Comissão Nacional da Verdade (the National Truth Commission) and federal prosecutors investigating crimes from the era of the dictatorship (1964-85). 

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Thousands of Central Americans seeking asylum or refuge from their countries face threats from organized crime, said a representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR). 

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A new app shows the locations of past massacres in Colombia. 

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The consulting firm, FTI Consulting has published its 2014 Latin America Security Index, ranking Costa Rica as the safest country in Central America and one of the safest countries in Latin America. 

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With the birth of the “social market economy” in Germany in the postwar era, a new age dawned in Europe.  That process is now afoot in Latin America. 

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The commemoration of the oil expropriation of 1938 revealed deep divides among the country’s political players, even as forces in the oil industry seemed to act as if all is normal. 

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The international press is once again constructing a negative image of Argentina. 

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The Foreign Ministers of Bolivia and Brazil, David Choquehuanca and Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, agreed to create a commission to study the increased sale of Bolivian gas to the Brazilian market. 

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Peruvian and Honduran officials envision a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two nations to improve their respective trade balances. 

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