The Road Safety Agency determined in a study that there is a 30% increased risk in collisions when cars have polarized windows.  Not having them reduces heat and also makes cars safer.  

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Chile needs to get used to more volatile copper prices, says Codelco’s CEO Thomas Keller. 

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Half a century after the 1964 coup that plunged Brazil into a dictatorship, ghosts of the military regime’s economic policy still walk the earth, in the manipulation of prices to control inflation, and in an industrial strategy of choosing “national champions” through strong government support. 

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President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner reported that the French government concurs as a amicus curiae (friend of the court) in support of Argentina’s request for review in the U.S. Court in its dispute with the “vulture funds.” 

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Peru’s government has reached an agreement with informal miners that have been protesting throughout the Andean country over efforts to regulate their activities. 

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In recent years in Guatemala, conflicts and demands of different sectors of society have been exacerbated by the lack of response and consensus with Government. 

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President Nicolás Maduro recently announced that his government had captured three generals accused of “plotting a coup.” 

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President Michelle Bachalet has sent a bill to establish a ministry that would champion the country’s women and contribute to diminishing the gender inequality that runs deep and wide across Chilean society. 

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Witness the newly elected President Salvador Sánchez Cerén of the FMLN. 

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Gustavo Petro, former M-19 guerrilla, senator, and mayor of Bogotá was finally removed from power on March 19, 2014.  Petro was dismissed from his post by Attorney General Alejandro Ordóñez (also called the inspector general) in December 2013 over fallout from a botched attempt to overhaul the management of the city’s trash collection services, but

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