With the World Cup just a couple months away, expect a lot more troops in Brazilian streets this year, but it probably won’t mean more security. 

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The latest cycle of talks between the government and the FARC ended without agreement, but the guerrillas pushed for the establishment of a truth commission. 

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With the backing of former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, the Aché indigenous community of Paraguay filed a complaint for genocide committed during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner. 

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The governments of Panama and Peru signed two agreements to establish in Panamanian territory a subsidiary of state-owned Peruvian Services, Industriales de la Marina (SIMA), and promote bilateral maritime cooperation in the fight against organized crime. 

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Everyone would agree that when elected officials become prisoners of special interests, or are provided with corrupting perks, “democracy becomes more oligarchic,” which helps “destroy the citizen’s trust” in the system. 

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January 2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a treaty that created a single market covering Mexico, the United States, and Canada.  It remains a point of contention.

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The key to creating a living democracy goes beyond words.  It entails more than a commitment to rhetoric and calls for efforts to improve its implementation.  You can’t just declare it.  You must live it.  

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The “Secretary for Good Living” wants to help Ecuadorians build a decent society.  His new office conducts 22 programs and projects to change old practices.  

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The TV remains the medium of communication most used by the Brazilian population, according to research by the Secretary of Social Communication of the Presidency (SECOM), which says that 65% of Brazilians watch television on average three and a half hours daily. 

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The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) has data on who is single, divorced, and flirting in Mexico. 

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