Polls indicate that the governing Frente Amplio and right-wing National Party would vie for the presidency in a second round. 

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President Luis Guillermo Solís remains popular with Costa Ricans four months after taking office, but most of those surveyed have a negative perception of his administration. 

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“Chunche” is a word in the Costa Rican lexicon that means “whatchamacallit.”  For his exhibit, “Chunches,” Guatemalan multimedia artist Benvenuto Chavajay used the term playfully, but his installations are not “cute.” 

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The four day event was described as an exploration into “visionary art and Andean cosmovisions… in order to exchange knowledge, share experiences, [and] reflect.”  Numerous artists, researchers, and professionals planned to help guide visitors, and discuss the main themes of visionary art and sustainability. 

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Recently, folk musician Raúl Carnota passed away after an illness and guitarist Carlos García López died in a traffic accident. 

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On June 30, 2014 Mexican soldiers killed 22 civilians in the municipio of Tlatlaya, in Mexico state.  According to the official report, an armed clash erupted when troops patrolling an area near the border with the state of Guerrero came under fire from unknown assailants.  Yet that version of events fell apart when a witness

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Lilian Tintori, wife of jailed Venezuelan politician Leopoldo López asked the United Nations to verify the health of those whom the opposition to the government of President Nicolás Maduro calls “political prisoners.” 

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In the 1980’s the former Costa Rican president and Nobel laureate was glorified by numerous intellectuals. 

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Japan has been offering educational opportunities for decades. 

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About 865,000 women underwent illegal abortions in Brazil in 2013, and pressure is building for a real debate.  Peru is the country in South America where the largest number of teenagers leaves school due to pregnancy. 

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