In the Panama Canal, freight tonnage and toll revenues are growing this year;  Guatemalan business owners hope to create a strategy to combat extortion through the Coalición por la Seguridad Ciudadana (Coalition for Citizen Safety), promoted and directed by the Fundación para el Desarrollo de Guatemala (Fundesa).

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Reforms to the law on exploration and exploitation of geothermal resources were approved in the National Assembly. 

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The dumping of oil waste into the waters of the Marañón, Corrientes, Pastaza and Tigre rivers, and the Amazon forest is producing fatal consequences for the local population, mostly to the Kukama ethnic group.  

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An agreement over oil clean up with ENAP (Empresa Nacional del Petróleo) the Chilean state-owned hydrocarbon company, has divided fishermen in Quintero. 

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A five-year moratorium has been proposed on pineapple production in Costa Rica; climate change scenarios include intense droughts and floods, as well as a rising sea ​​level on the coast.

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Some critics believe that one of the biggest problems for Mexico is that its middle class is complicit in a deeply entrenched inequality. 

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The political opponents of the government of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner claim that Argentina is now “a dictatorship because the government can pass any law it likes,” and kind of miss the point about democracy. 

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According to a member of its negotiating team, the FARC is and always has been a political organization. 

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It has long been said that politics is the concentrated expression of economics, but over time many observers have declared this idea “outdated” or invalid.  Enter Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa.  

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As Peruvians travel (and occasionally emigrate), plenty of their neighbors have passed them at the border as they come from the other direction. 

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