Issue Mar 20-26 2024: Ever since the Macri administration in Argentina, tributes to former president Néstor Kirchner have been withdrawn throughout Argentina.

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–Researched and Written by Ash Delmore—Issue Mar 13-19 2024: President of Argentina Javier Milei issued a Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia (DNU), containing over 300 laws to deregulate the economy including laws affecting the job market, health, repealing the Rental Law, and privatizing public businesses. Both the Senate and Chamber of Deputies are needed to

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: After banning the wildly popular opposition presidential candidate María Corina Machado, the Maduro Regime in Venezuela went after top members of her political team. The move was widely criticized around the region and around the world. Yet, in a surprise move, Machado and her political alliance, the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD),

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: Holy Week is a time of year during which friends and family decide to get together to travel, celebrate, and experience new adventures.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: In the capacity of her function as pro tempore president of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), Honduran President Xiomara Castro called upon the plenary session to respond “immediately and efficiently” to the growing violence in Haiti.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: Shantytowns have appeared at both ends of the new Puente Héroes del Chaco, which connects the cities of Asunción and Villa Hayes in Paraguay.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: The High-Level Economic Dialogue on March 18 between representatives from the United States and Guatemala resulted in the commitment of aid to help Guatemala with various projects throughout the nation.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, emphasized Ukraine’s determination to resist Russian occupation and warns Mexico about Russian disinformation campaigns, particularly in the lead-up to elections.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: Colombian Caribbean life is defined by its sound.

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Issue Mar 13-19 2024: Nicaragua’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that Ricardo Martinelli receive safe passage from Panama, allowing him to seek asylum in Nicaragua and avoid going to prison for 128 months for money laundering.

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