…anizations of forestry companies and police assemblies.” On the way to the community of Temucuicui, 600 kilometers south of Santiago, where Siches planned to meet with the father of an Indigenous man killed in a police shooting in 2018, the delegation was ambushed. A burning car blocked its way and shots were heard that forced the convoy to quickly back down, frustrating the entry of the country’s representative into territory where State authorit…

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…e São Paulo City Hall is “intensifying” its action against those that have come from Cracolândia. The city has erected new fences in an attempt to keep the informal residents from occupying some areas and to ostensibly allow the grassy spaces to rejuvenate. Jurado spoke with 73-year-old Célia, who has lived in a tent near Princess Isabel Square, at the mercy of the elements, for the past three years. Célia said she was “attached” to the area and h…

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…nments of the past” and how to better tackle the modern climate crisis. El Comercio of Quito reported on the discovery, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The discovery expedition, Galápagos Deep 2023, was led by scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanography Institute, Boise State University in the United States, and Essex and Bristol Universities in the United Kingdom. The project is financed by the National Science Fund and the Natural…

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Issue Nov 02-08 2022: The Worker’s Party (PT) under Brazil’s president elect, Luíz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, has “gained traction” with its budget proposal that would see “extraordinary credit” released to areas considered as “emergency” sectors, all without exceeding the spending cap. Alisson Matos reported for CartaCapital Magazine of Brazil on the Lula administration budget negotiations. The “most likely” measure will be a proposed constitutiona…

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…own. Carola Cinto of La Nación of Buenos Aires wrote that the inn has about 600 meters of coastline on the Tabaquillo River, three waterfalls, and seven guest rooms for tourists, along with a rich history dating back to 1755. Originally created as a residence, Estancia San Miguel was transformed into a hostel and restaurant in the 1990s called La Mora. It was popular among travelers on horseback and food lovers of “disruptive cuisine,” so called f…

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…to build a giant human figure in Punta Espinillo. Over the years it has become a museum and an opportunity for learning. Andrés López Reilly of El País of Montevideo described how ten years ago, Google Earth allowed for Dr. Perla to view her project from a bird’s eye view with the use of millions of satellite photos, and confirmed the shape she had dreamed of for so long. The satellite photos confirmed that her gigantic Vitruvian Man, built with…

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…the largest amount in the last three years. For 2023, official statistics predict 320 to 445 forest fires that could affect 4,300 to 6000 hectares (10,600 to 15,000 acres)….

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Issue Jan 25-31 2023: Chipehua is a little-know beach on the border of Oaxaca, Mexico. The beautiful white dunes of thin sand reach 100 meters during certain times of the year. El Universal of Mexico City reported on Chipehua and its main attraction, the immense dunes that offer spectacular views. Chipehua is an area of 35 square kilometers, situated between mountains and the sea and is home to incredible families of cacti, bushes, and other flor…

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…represents 42% of all travel documents given out across the whole year. In comparison with the July-September period, the number of passports increased by 100%, according to the Directorate General for Passports. Carolina Pichardo reported for Listín Diario of Santo Domingo that the high demand can be attributed to the re-opening of the United States Embassy after the pandemic. The latest data shows that an average of 95,600 passports were issued…

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…es at the electoral level in some twenty political parties that decide the composition of Congress and an Executive that comes to power, in the second round, extremely weakened.” And finally, other commentators explored the implications for Latin America and for democracy. In Folha de S. Paulo, Fernando Barrientos Del Monte addressed the question of “how to stop the deterioration of democracies” in Latin America, and concluded that “if we want to…

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