…y routine. The joropo is more than just this one weekend. Birthdays, First Communions, and holidays are celebrated with joropo as well. Everyone shows up to these occasions dressed up and with their respective gala hats. Meat is abundant and is served with aguardiente llanero. The government and mayor’s office made the last Friday of each month “Llaneridad Day.” These days are especially celebrated in public offices and schools, and people are enc…

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…ices of its suppliers, given that it has neither working relationships with them nor “police power” to inspect their operations. “Cargill was sentenced for allowing slave and child labor” commended prosecutor Carvalho. “The company pretends not to see. That’s why it’s being convicted. It has the responsibility to do its due diligence.”…

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…ced the initiation of phase 6 of the Territorial Control Plan, focusing on combating poverty, and including the creation of the National Integration Directorate, led by Alejandro Gutman. The previous phases were concentrated on containing the gangs. This protest and the subsequent developments highlight the ongoing political tensions and the contentious approach to law enforcement and governance in El Salvador, reflecting the broader challenges of…

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…in 1999. The area is most known for being where the southern right whales come to reproduce between June and November, but one can also see southern elephant seals, fur seals, orcas, and Magellanic penguins. Another site, number four on the list, is the Iguazú National Park. This park is a favorite of both Argentinian and foreign visitors. At the heart of the park are the famous Iguazú Falls. The landscape is home to over 2,000 species of plants…

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…sue Sep 13-19 2023: Semilla Verde, A Guatemalan NGO, has become a finalist competing for the Zayed Sustainability Prize due to their work in cultivating biofortified strains of maize. The NGO will be competing in the ‘Food’ category, and seeks to win $600,000 with which to expand their operations, reported Estrategia & Negocios Magazine of Honduras. The Zayed Sustainability Prize is an international competition hosted by the United Arab Emirat…

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…s Chichén Viejo, situated south of Chichén Itzá in Yucatán, is ready to welcome the public, and reveal its “majesty and millenary secrets.” This site, continuously inhabited by Mayan rulers and their associated Kup lineage during the Classic and Postclassic periods (600-1200 AD), unveils a window into the elite’s way of life. Archaeologist Arturo Cortés observed that the architectural site reflects the life of the elite that “controlled the Yucatá…

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…ssings is lower. He says if this law is passed it would be one of the most comprehensive border security acts in history. He said, “It would also give me, as president, the emergency authority to shut down the border until it can get back under control,” and he added, “If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.” La Jornada of Mexico City reported that the details of the specific negotiations with the Re…

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…e cocktail for both national and foreign painters and authorities from the Comayagua Mayor’s office and the Chamber of Commerce, the exhibition began on Monday, September 11th and ran through Friday, September 15th at the Comayagua Museum. César Augusto Ordóñez will also be presented with the distinction of American Heritage Artist. This exhibit is particularly special, as it coincides with the commemoration of 200 years since Honduras gained its…

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…e local economies of coastal regions, in particular, have been affected by competitiveness issues with neighboring Argentina. The National Institute of Statistics (INE) data revealed significant unemployment disparities: Río Negro had the highest unemployment of 13.4% between May and July, representing about 4,200 unemployed individuals. Although there is a slight improvement from the previous year, the rate remains concerning. Salto had the secon…

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…escribed “an organized form of state terrorism aimed at the deliberate and complete destruction of the credibility of a person, group or institution.” “Honor shootings” are not exclusive to Cuban totalitarianism, although they are one of the leaders regarding this phenomenon. These assassinations seemed to occur commonly among opposing forces in political debate or elections. Many victims of the Castro regime suffered from the corruptive forces of…

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