Issue Aug 07-13 2024: The Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia (AGC), currently the nation’s largest organized criminal group, has agreed to enter into a “socio-legal” dialogue with President Gustavo Petro’s government, which seeks a legal pathway to demobilization and lasting peace for Colombian society.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Senator Henry Montero of the Creemos party blamed both the “arcismo” and “evismo” blocks of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party for Bolivia’s current economic crisis.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Belarus has shipped twelve tractors to Cuba by sea, fulfilling a bilateral agreement signed in June to exchange agricultural machinery for medicines.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Yilport Holding, a Turkish company, will invest over $1.6 billion to upgrade the infrastructure of two major ports in El Salvador, marking the largest private investment in the country’s history.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Jaime Garzón was a major figure in Colombia’s political sphere due to his unwavering dedication to social justice and peace.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Javier Milei’s time in government may be coming to an end. Jorge Fontevecchia of PERFIL Magazine of Argentina reported that Milei’s government has continually been compared to that of Carlos Memen’s, whose popularity quickly declined from 1992 to 1998. Milei’s eccentric and aggressive political style was originally seen as refreshing in

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Issue Aug 01-07 2024: In the first week of August 2024, Latin American governments continued to clash over the disputed outcome of the July 28 presidential election in Venezuela. The regime of President Nicolás Maduro claimed victory but refused to show the electoral results while repressing and arresting protesters, causing even several left-leaning governments, intellectuals,

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Issue Aug 01-07 2024: An open letter signed by more than 1,500 individuals to Brazil’s political parties has called for action to be taken against racial and gendered violence.

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Issue Aug 01-07 2024: For organizations, groups, and commissions seeking truth and justice regarding state violence in Central and South America, it can often be a challenge to do so without relying on the state itself. In 2018, soon after López Obrador became the president of Mexico, the Comisión para la Verdad y Acceso a

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Issue Aug 01-07 2024: After Maduro’s fraudulent election in Venezuela, Nicaraguan opposition to the current government knows that its priority must be to organize civil resistance in Nicaragua.

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