…of businesses that closed early in the morning were large and medium-sized companies, while most of those who opened their doors were the small merchants.” Clarín of Buenos Aires noted the “pressure of the regime of Daniel Ortega” that the strike generated, and also pointed out that many of the businesses that opened did so because they desperately needed the income, “not for support of the government.” “If you do not work, you do not eat,” said H…

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…ctivists and diplomats from Guatemala and the UN created the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) whose goal is to “purge the state of the structures that allow impunity and keep the state from functioning.” Driven by the people of Guatemala, the CICIG has carried out over 100 investigations against more than 600 people with strong political and economic influence. The organization has, however, made mistakes along the wa…

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…employees, a bar in Santa Rosa, and 14 flavors in production.” Most of the company’s “raw material comes from the United States,” and Braga emphasized that once the “import was opened, it allowed us to use materials that the best breweries in the world use. This allowed a quality jump.” The slogan of Nuevo Origen is “we make it different,” and as Braga points out, they do. The brewery uses a variety of innovative ingredients such as “flowers (lave…

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…Choluteca has a population of 89,400, San Lorenzo has 27,000 people and Nacome has 22,4000, all of whom will enjoy the benefits of an improving economy if the plans for the gulf go as expected. In El Salvador, the town of La Unión has 34,000 people by the Gulf of Fonseca. All of these communities currently suffer high poverty rates, but will soon have a great influx of work opportunity and improved quality of life. The plan for the Gulf of Fonsec…

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…chment along with his entourage of flatterers, including the military high command, who are managing the main companies of the country.” And sadly, “the Guaidó phenomenon…seems to deflate more every day.” The only development that seems likely to end Maduro’s rule is “a military intervention,” but that seems unlikely, since China and Russia are stepping forward to aid his government. Finally, Maduro has successfully convinced a good part of the in…

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…n’t but just recently that Maduro said that he could accept that there were 600 thousand Venezuelans living outside the country.” Páez went on to discuss how the Venezuelan government not only circumvents facts that do not fit their narrative, but how they have sway over what data is recorded. The National Institute of Statistics was ordered not to produce information about the diaspora, keeping everyone in the dark. Identification and Migration A…

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Issue Jan 31-Feb 06 2024: It is a widely reported – if erroneous – truism that Javier Milei won the Argentinian presidency with the support of a large majority of the population. Yet far from being an innocent mistake, this overinflation of Milei’s nonetheless legitimate electoral victory serves to demoralize and disempower the political opposition, argued Mempo Giardinelli in Página/12 of Buenos Aires. Milei won the vote with 40.31%…

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…y exercise. The presidential press office did not respond to a request for comment on the parade. Flanked by the commanders of the armed forces, Bolsonaro stood in front of the Planalto presidential palace as the military parade passed. A Navy officer in combat gear walked up a ramp to deliver the invitation. The sight of the tanks next to the presidential palace disturbed Brazilians, who lived under a military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. Lawm…

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…izer on them. It was reported that the teacher for the center was simply a community volunteer who told the magazine that the kindergarten would be closed until 2024 when there would be more student enrollment. The teacher had reported her decision to emigrate as she was unable to make a substantial living with no student enrollment combined with miniscule pay. The temporary closure of this educational center is not unique in Honduras, as some pla…

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…t matter what the politics are as long as the poor are being provided for” commented Mossi in light of loans provided to Nicaraguan dictator Daniel Ortega. “I think that the risks have been totally distorted… I mean, this isn’t Europe by any means, but neither is it Africa.” A selection process is currently underway to determine who the next president of CABEI will be; this process itself has been marred by accusations of impropriety and corruptio…

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