…eing fiscally irresponsible, causing the country to lose 7 percent of its GDP on corruption. The study says $40 billion were lost in the diversion of resources, and $30 billion were lost in the execution of the projects funded by this money. The former president says these accusations of corruption are part of a “political persecution,” but Ordóñez says corruption should not be seen only as a political issue. Rather, she says it should be investig…

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…ma Fernández, a composer, musician, poet, and painter who created more than 600 songs in the Rarámuri language. Carlos Paul reported in La Jornada of Mexico City about this forty-five color image exhibit. The landscape of the town Tucheachi, in the Sierra Alta Tarahumara is exhibited as well. Erasmo Palma is said to have been “a man who loved to communicate; an outgoing and curious rarámuri who absorbed plastically the reality that surrounded him,…

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…cally small group and that the vast majority of the FARC leadership and ex-combatants remain committed to peace, yet it is undeniable that the message will have profound political and military consequences, nationally and internationally.” García-Peña also noted the bad faith of the Santos and Duque governments, as well as the social leaders and ex-combatants who continue to be killed. “Yet as Timochenko said so well, the way to face this difficul…

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…who pass by him on the streets. “Asking is not easy…lately, people have become more frivolous and insensitive,” he said. Andrés, 61, has two children and a family to support, but his brothers and other relatives turned their backs on him a long time ago. He says he doesn’t blame anyone for his situation, but he resents the government for not offering more help. “I am willing to do anything, but in this country they don’t help anyone,” he said. Fa…

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…them as conservative or liberal, communists or genocides, pro or con abortion, gender diversity, or gay marriage, which allow politics to do little more than muster followers. This means governments “arrive without a plan, without a team, with promises impossible to keep, and commitments that tie them up.” He noted that Giammattei will replace Morales, the former comedian, whose government was “without a doubt the worst of the entire democratic e…

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…environmental degradation are worse than those associated with global warming. Acidification has increased by 26 percent and oxygen levels have dropped from 6 to 2 percent. The reduction of oxygen at this rate leads to asphyxia in marine wildlife, killing off other species of fish. Over 600 fishery operations have caused anaerobic conditions in the surrounding areas of water, prohibiting the formation and spread of marine animals, plants, and mic…

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…of the Orion P-3 aircraft in operations against drug gangs and others who commit crimes such as illegal fishing, does not pose any risk to the environment of the Islands.” The Foreign Ministry alleged that an average of 252 civil flights arrive to the Galápagos every month so “announcements about the environmental impact of one or two monthly flights of the Orion P-3 to the Islands evidently lack substance.” The President of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno…

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…onomy of indigenous people over their own land and the poverty in indigenous communities caused by the dynamics of land conflict. Rodríguez interprets the indigenous protests as demands for the government to honor promises it has made to Colombia’s indigenous communities, such as the protection of sacred or valuable land from economic activities. Furthermore, the security and living conditions of indigenous communities remain uncertain and threate…

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…inable. More than 60% of these locations still do not produce sugar or are completely dismantled. Harvesting started in November, ending in May, although some sugar mills are still harvesting. Nonetheless, it is apparent that Cuba will not produce as much as the country aimed to. According to a previous article by 14ymedio, the low production rate caused Cuba to import sugar from France last year. Perhaps similar measures will be necessary as Cuba…

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Lagoons, mountains, rivers, and forests formed by intense volcanic activity have created a trekking circuit through the Epu Lauquen Reserve, in the north of the Argentine province of Neuquén. According to Cristian Sirouyan in Clarín of Buenos Aires, volcanic activity scattered basalt mounds and ashes during the Quaternary era, forming the breath-taking landscape of the 40-kilometer stretch that traces Route 45 from Las Ovejas to the Provincial Re…

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