El Comercio of Quito boasted that Ecuador is among the least expensive tourist destinations in the world.  According to, it is among the 10 cheapest.  In first place is India, where “ the daily expenditure of the country is the lowest of world.” 

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So observed Natalia Ramos in PáginaSIETE of La Paz.  Nora Bayerman, one of the venders in the central tourist area of ​​La Paz, says that business is not what it was.

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In Prensa Libre of Guatemala City Genner Guzmán told of the upcoming “día del descuentazo,” or “discount day,” in which more than three thousand merchants will gather to offer shoppers significant markdowns on

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El Universal of Mexico City observed that while Hollywood uses many different places to tell its stories, Mexico seems to mostly provide backdrops for its darker tales. 

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Folha de São Paula told of an exhibit called “A Better Place” at the Matilha Cultural Center in central São Paulo featuring of the work of tattoo artists from many nations. 

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Alondra Flores described in La Jornada of Mexico City an exhibition of the work of Mexican cartoonist and illustrator José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) at the Museo de la Ciudad de México to mark the centenary of his death. 

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In El Universo of Guayaquil Amparito Rosero reported that officials in Ecuador worry that a “plague of prawns” may destroy the ecosystem Yahuarocha Lagoon, though local people enjoy fishing for them. 

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And La República of Lima noted that although the cause is unknown, there are several explanations. 

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Edurne Navarro reported in El Periódico of Guatemala City that more than 500 families living in the Cerro San Gil (department of Izabal) will benefit over the next 20 years from the forestry project “Restoring Forests for Ecological Connectivity, Reduction of Poverty, and Biodiversity Conservation in Cerro San Gil.”  

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El Universo of Guayaquil reported that despite their cultural and biological value, Ecuador’s condor population has declined over the last decade. 

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