The Latin American Herald Tribune of Caracas lamented that lawmakers supporting the Venezuelan Government, along with three others from the opposition who recently switched sides, awarded President Nicolás Maduro special powers to rule for 12 continuous months

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Doug Gray wrote in The Rio Times of Rio de Janeiro that some of the world’s biggest oil companies have joined forces in a successful bid for Brazil’s first Pre-Salt offshore oil field, Libra. 

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La Jornada of Mexico City editorialized about what seems to be “a new dirty war” in the state of Guerrero. 

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Carmen Herrera wrote in Latinamerican Press of Lima that the 2013 Global Gender Gap Report, released Oct. 25 by the World Economic Forum (WEF), ranked Nicaragua 10th in the world in gender equality — a move that the women´s movement in the country criticized,

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In La Jornada of Mexico City Immanuel Wallerstein conjectured that the civil war in Colombia is coming to an end. 

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La Jornada of Mexico City reported that at least 670 journalists were killed in Latin America and the Caribbean in the past 20 years, according to a report on the first day of the International Forum on Impunity, held in La Paz, Bolivia. 

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Gustavo Posada Veloza wrote in El Telégrafo of Guayaquil of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos’ increased popularity after the agreement with the FARC, and his decision to seek reelection. 

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In mid November, 2013 Venezuela’s congress voted to give President Nicolás Maduro the power to legislate by decree for the next 12 months. 

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In El Tiempo of Bogotá Daniel Samper Pizano argued that the announcement by President Juan Manuel Santos that he will seek reelection “puts official robes on a situation that was wearing a sweatshirt.” 

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Juan Pablo Proal argued in Proceso Magazine of Mexico City that President Enrique Peña  Nieto has not lived up to his own rhetoric. 

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