PáginaSIETE of La Paz was proud to report that the Bolivian economy grew 6.8% in 2013. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá reported that drought in Brazil has driven up the price of coffee, soybeans, and sugar. 

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The Buenos Aires Herald reported that in her first public appearance in the province of Buenos Aires since her surgery, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner called for the contribution of economic players to help those who still have less.

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Panamá América of Panama City reported that the IMF deputy managing director Naoyuki Shinohara pointed to the “risk” for the economies of several Latin American countries that depend on raw materials. 

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DominicanToday of Santo Domingo reported that a combined force of U.S. Customs, Border Patrol, Coast Guard, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement operating under the Caribbean Border Interagency Group (CBIG) apprehended 57 undocumented migrants from Haiti, Dominican Republic and Brazil, attempting to enter Puerto Rico’s west coast. 

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El Periódico of Guatemala City reported that the State Department’s annual report on the world situation highlighted problems in Central America.  These include Guatemala’s “widespread institutional corruption, particularly in the police and judicial sectors.”

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El Universal of Mexico City observed that U.S. President Barack Obama congratulated Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto for his efforts to carry out “promising” reforms to make Mexico more competitive and give greater opportunities to the Mexican people. 

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In La Tercera of Santiago David Muñoz proudly pointed to the U.S. State Department’s inclusion of Chile into its Visa Waiver Program, which eliminates the requirement of a visa for Chileans to enter the United States. 

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Carolina Julio wrote in La Tercera of Santiago that three months in the year, when the Bucalemu coast appears white as if it were covered by snow, the salineros appear. 

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Carlos Mariano Godoy reported in ABCColor of Asunción that 37% of Paraguayans live without running water, and that the 63% that do have it may not have consistently potable water. 

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