Estelita Hass Carazzai wrote in Folha de São Paulo that since it lacks a tradition of huge samba schools for Carnival, Curitiba resolved to give tourists “a tranquil alternative” for those who want to leave the huge crowds behind. 

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El Tiempo of Bogotá noted with sadness that Venezuelan singer and composer Simón Díaz, known to his compatriots as “Tío Simón” and author of the renowned song “Caballo Viejo,” died at age 85, said his daughter Bettsimar Díaz.  “With tears I announce to my beloved country that my father passed this morning in peace,” she

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El Universal of Mexico City reported that poets from 60 countries and five continents at the X International Poetry Festival in Granada, Nicaragua made a declaration to the various Spanish Language Academies concerning the validity of Rubén Darío’s work. 

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In La Razón of La Paz Rubén Aríñez reported that Bolivia has asked the Government of Brazil to explain the role of the Jirau and San Antonio hydroelectric dams on the Rio Madera in recent flooding. 

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In La Jornada of Mexico City Israel Rodríguez wrote that the environmental disaster caused by Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador, and the subsequent drawn-out international litigation, should be a warning for Mexico because the government is giving these same oil companies access to the country’s strategic resources. 

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El Comercio of Lima reported that six earthquakes were recorded in different regions of Peru on March 1st. 

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El Comercio of Quito wrote that the beaches of Esmeraldas, Manabi, Guayas, and Santa Elena are the most visited, although there is significant mountain and Amazonian tourism, as well. 

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So noted Paolina Albani in La Hora of Guatemala City.  Guatemala is a tourist destination that is blessed with a variety of climatic, geographical, and ecologically diverse and unique environmental resources that, in addition to a culture of indisputable value, make it a country of great appeal. 

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MercoPress of Montevideo reported that the Argentine government made known that its social programs were praised by FAO and World Bank.  Argentina welcomed some of the “positive and favorable comments” by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Bank regarding the country’s social and economic agenda, but regretted that “certain” media

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Inside Costa Rica of San José says Russia has its eyes on expanding its military presence by establishing military bases in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba according to a statement by Russian Defense Minister, Serguei Shoigu, and Costa Rica is not thrilled by the proposal. 

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