Did your personal physician show respect for what you had to say?  Did he or she explain things in an understandable way?  Did he or she spend enough time with you?  Over 90% of Uruguayans surveyed in 2013 said yes: “always” or “most of the time.”   

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Nicaragua is working to improve the quality and expanse of its rural tourism network. 

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The recent growth of Mexican tourism has been “extraordinary.” 

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As if problems with the delayed stadiums was not enough, and just weeks until the start of the World Cup, work on crucial new airport terminals has fallen behind in most of the dozen Brazilian host cities, heightening the risk of overcrowding and confusion during the tournament. 

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More than 350 women, mostly single mothers who have up to five children, have started their own businesses in Honduras as “microentrepreneurs.” 

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Mexican manufacturing reported annual declines in the first quarter of 2014 in 9 of its 21 subsectors, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (NEGI).  

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Used by Colombian rural people for centuries to clear land, machetes are becoming a significant business for Colombia, which has become the world’s largest exporter. 

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Havana is turning more state businesses into cooperatives as part of its political balancing act in allowing the slow but controlled rise of capitalism. 

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In late March 2014 several “lynchings” were carried out or at least attempted in various cities of Argentina.  In one, 18-year-old David Moreira was killed by a group of citizens after he allegedly tried to steal a woman’s purse in Rosario. 

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According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Honduras leads the region (and Central America leads the world) in homicides for the fifth consecutive year. 

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