In the most dramatic hour of the Kirchner era, Senate majority leader Miguel Angel Pichetto looked at Vice-President Julio Cobos straight in the eyes and quoted the Bible.

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Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s popularity has dipped five percentage points ahead of October’s presidential elections, revealed a new poll published on Sunday.

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President Michelle Bachelet aims to move decisively on 56 measures she promised to enact within the first 100 days of her government, which have been overshadowed by the massive earthquake that recently struck off the coast. 

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Leftist parties now hold sway in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, but what it means in the long run is still not clear. 

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Though the real troubles had started in 1960, a process began on March 31, 1964 that led to the overthrow of President João Goulart by the Brazilian military (with the backing of the United States) on April 1, 1964.  The coup put an end to the government of Goulart, also known as Jango, because the

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Prostitution moves to daylight hours in northern Ribeirão Preto for security reasons. 

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In the last five years at least180,000 Paraguayans emigrated in search of better economic opportunities and 55% of them were women under 25 years of age, according to a study published by Population Fund of the United Nations (UNFPA) in Paraguay.  

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Latin America is the most unequal region in the world according to the United Nations, where 10% of population takes 40% of revenues. 

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Groups of students from the Universidad de Los Andes in Mérida went naked around the state capital to protest the treatment of fellow students in Caracas, where they were beaten and stripped at the Central University of Venezuela. 

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On a typical day in the traffic of Guatemala City, “chaos seizes the city and no one imposes order.” 

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