The construction of the Interoceanic Canal of Nicaragua, also dubbed the “Nicaragua Grand Canal,” will begin in December and be completed by 2019, asserted Telémaco Talavera, a member of the Grand Canal Commission. 

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OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza insisted that now a “regional consensus” exists regarding drug use and trafficking throughout the hemisphere. 

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Colombia rebels and the government published the accords agreed to at talks, while President Santos can imagine Colombia without coca and without conflict. 

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Thirty years ago, the National Commission on the Forced Disappearances of Persons (Conadep) handed the seminal “Never Again” report to then-president Raúl Alfonsín. 

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The “Libro Amarillo” (“Yellow Book”) is a document that is believed to have been prepared by the Salvadoran military in the 1970s and 1980s, and contains nearly 2,000 names.  Historical evidence shows that four in ten of the people on that list were tortured, disappeared or killed.  Researchers believe it is genuine. 

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The natural wealth of the Amazon contrasts with its impoverished population without access to many basic rights, such as sanitation, housing, health and welfare, among others. 

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The new Penal Code hands out a 1-3 year prison sentence that can run 16 to 19 years, based upon aggravating circumstances for every caregiver subject to its reach. 

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Guaná, with just four speakers, is one of the indigenous languages ​​most endangered in Paraguay, which faces the challenge of preserving its 20 native languages.  And legislation to guarantee the rights of women is not based on preference for “being a woman,” but for equal treatment of everyone. 

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Obesity is a disease that continues to rise in Argentina, while Ecuador sees obesity and overweight citizens as its main health problem.  

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Judge probes Guido Carlotto’s adopters, human rights groups demand justice for the disappearance of  Jorge Julio López on its eighth anniversary, and an appellate court upholds the arrest of five “Triple A” members. 

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