A Colombian court has ordered 11 companies to halt gold-mining operations in a 50,000-hectare reserve in the northwest of the country and return the land to the native tribe that previously lived there. 

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Lima, seen as a “chaotic megalopolis,” faces urgent challenges to structure its growth, while indigenous leaders in Peru are learning to use drones to look after their communities. 

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Governments have ignored the issue of forced displacement in their countries, and are now being obliged to deal with millions of such victims.  

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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) says that well-paid jobs with social security and rights are one of the keys to ending inequality in the region.  

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“From a lack of toilet paper that caused a stink, to a dearth of staple food items that left shoppers sucking salt, the Venezuelan people have been reeling under the blows of almost constant shortages for well over a year.   A recent addition to the chronic shortage list…is a scarcity of quality breast implants that

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Leftist leaders have diagnosed the core problem as being neoliberal capitalism, and so they believe that all that is needed is to remove it and replace it with something else.  In this case… socialism. But neoliberal capitalism isn’t the core problem so much as it is an environment that makes everything worse for most Hondurans. 

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The long term impact of President Peña Nieto’s reforms will depend on their implementation. 

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The country is going through a bad patch, and it isn’t doing anybody much good. 

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As several Latin American countries vote in various elections in the month of October, many observers will be watching and trying to predict whether the “Pink Tide” is about to contract. 

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One of the main environmentally protected areas of Rio de Janeiro, the Parque Natural Municipal Chico Mendes (PNMCM), located in the neighborhood of Recreio dos Bandeirantes of Zona Oeste (West Zone), celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary this June 2014.

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