Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Based on recently released confidential documents from the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office of Colombia and Peru, interviews with Peruvian security forces, and testimonies collected from trips along the Putumayo River, it has been revealed how Colombian criminal groups have continued to increase their influence and territorial control of the drug

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Recipes of the Mexican Revolution have been recreated and enjoyed across Mexican culture for decades.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: The Maritime Chamber of Panama (CMP) and the Logistics Business Council (COEL) reported on November 13 that shipping companies and clients have started to drop Panama’s logistics service as a result of protests regarding a mining contract.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: This November, many Latin American countries have been preparing for the final stretch of the constitutional process of presidential elections.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: As part of a global effort to strengthen entrepreneurship and break down barriers to opportunities, the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) has launched a global initiative headed by the U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA).

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: The Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (ApexBrasil) was seen at Web Summit 2023, one of the largest technology fairs on the planet, this year boasting a record number of attendees.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Facing a near constant public security crisis, Lula has re-implemented a limited, “shamefaced” version of the Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO) in Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, despite the measure’s proven inefficacy during the previous administration.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: The Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores – Convención Nacional de Trabajadores (PIT-CNT) – Uruguay’s national trade union – organized on November 13th a march “For Democracy and against Corruption,” which took place in the Plaza de Cagancha in Montevideo and was attended by the Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios Uruguay (FEUU), the Federación

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: In a demonstration outside the Ministry of Agriculture in Quito, on November 14, 2023, around 300 Ecuadorian milk producers demanded payment for a $5 million debt related to their milk sales for school meals.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: The recent Colombian election results have sparked a comprehensive analysis of the performance of the left-wing coalition, Pacto Histórico, led by Gustavo Petro.

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