Issue Nov 08-14 2023: The Brazilian government has created a taskforce against organized crime inside and outside of prisons, with the objective of effectively responding to crises in the penal system, promoting cooperation between different government agencies and institutions, and improving public security.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: As Bariloche kicks off its mountain shelter season, drawing global adventurers to explore interconnected trails and to embrace high-altitude refuges, certain key refuges are popular among travelers.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: In recent decades, Chinese fishing fleets, specifically squid fishing, have moved into the waters of South America, and their aggressiveness has led to frequent clashes.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Commemorating a century since Sívori’s retrospective, the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes hosts “Eduardo Sívori. Artista moderno entre París y Buenos Aires,” showcasing about 200 of his works, including paintings, drawings, watercolors, and engravings, to initiate a comprehensive cataloging of his oeuvre.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: In a recent development surrounding the Argentine elections, former Chilean Presidents Sebastián Piñera and Michelle Bachelet, who also served as the head of UN Women, have publicly declared their support for different candidates in the upcoming second round of the Argentine presidential election, scheduled for November 19th.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: In a recent article, it was reported that the construction industry is increasingly turning towards green production methods in response to global climate change challenges, such as droughts and floods.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Due to an imminent and irreparable threat to Costa Rica’s marine ecosystems, the Administrative and Tax Court granted a precautionary measure on Monday, as requested by the MarViva Foundation, to suspend the government-promoted study on trawl fishing.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Approximately fifty former rectors from public universities across the country issued a statement on Tuesday in defense of “public, democratic, free, quality, and egalitarian universities.”

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: Zozocolco, a small magical town in the Totonacapan region of Veracruz, is known for its lush mountains, waterfalls, cobbled streets, colonial buildings, churches, and ancient Totonac heritage.

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Issue Nov 08-14 2023: In early November, the European Union (EU) disqualified itself from participating in Venezuela’s political processes under Nicolás Maduro.

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