Social isolation to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 disease may aggravate the unequal situation that women already experience in terms of domestic work and domestic violence.
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The Naho Foundation is dedicated to working with low-income pregnant women between the ages of 11 and 23.
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Quito’s metro has been extended by 22 kilometers, connecting El Labrador (an area in the north of the city) with Quitumbe (in the south) in a ride of just 34 minutes.
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Specialists explain what the protocol is after a death from this new virus. Is it necessary to cremate the bodies of those who have died from Covid-19?
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Every year, thousands of women ask for help from violence perpetuated by strangers and people in their family in Guatemala.
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In light of the current global crisis with the coronavirus, tensions in households have risen in Paraguay.
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Peru has faced at least nine serious epidemics and natural disasters in the last three decades, from an outbreak of cholera to several earthquakes.
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Covid-19 has shut down much of everyone’s daily routine and captured everyone’s attention, but stock markets and memes also occupy our attention while the world practices social distancing.
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–Written by Samantha Lee— After 12 days in prison in Cuba, Cuban authorities freed artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, following Amnesty International’s release of a statement calling Otero Alcántara a prisoner of conscience and demanding his immediate release.
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Many street vendors in Buenos Aires have been brought together by the Movimiento de Trabajadores Excluidos (Movement for Excluded Workers, MTE) and the Asociación de Vendedores Libres to demand justice for an elderly street vendor who was struck by a car while attempting to evade city police who were trying to confiscate her merchandise.
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