MercoPress of Montevideo noted that 2014 will be a big year for elections in Latin America, with significant contests in Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Panama, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. 

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Edward Davis wrote in La Nación of Buenos Aires that President Rousseff’s year is off to a tough start,

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Martín Gambarotta asserted in the Buenos Aires Herald that now in Argentina ‘K’ is for Kicillof. 

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In La Jornada of Mexico City Alma E. Muñoz observed that Andrés Manuel López Obrador had announced a new stage of struggle to combat corruption,

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So argued León Valencia in Semana Magazine of Bogotá.  Things have not gone well lately for former President Álvaro Uribe. 

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Sergio Arauz of El Faro Magazine of San Salvador spoke with Marcos Rodríguez, a key advisor

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Paulo de Tarso Lyra says in Correio Braziliense of Brasilia that close to finishing her third year in office and on the eve of a reelection campaign, President Dilma Rousseff is hustling to have the largest possible bunch of achievements to put before the electorate. 

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Colombia’s Inspector General’s Office, led by Alejandro Ordóñez, used its power to dismiss Bogota’s mayor, Gustavo Petro, and even went on to bar him from public office for 15 years, all over “irregularities” concerning the city’s waste collection. 

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President Enrique Peña Nieto took office a year ago intent on reforming Mexico’s economy even though he had no majority in Congress, and faced charges that he stole the election. 

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In La Tercera of Santiago Constanza Cortés Miquel noted the huge, nationwide victory celebrations marking the successful end of the Michelle Bachelet reelection campaign.

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