Mexican workers pocket an eighth of what their US and Canadian counterparts earn, and yet the government seems resistant to doing anything to change the situation.
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Attorney Rodrigo Chemim draws parallels between Brazil’s “Lava Jato” corruption scandal and Italy’s Operation Clean Hands, analyzing their implications along both countries’ struggles to fight corruption and their strife to uphold democracy.
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Argentina is not a dictatorship. It is not a dictatorship and it is necessary to say so in order to analyze the true state of the country.
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In such drastically unequal terrains of power, the relationship between the government and the people and between the people and protest shape the current crisis in Venezuela.
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As Venezuela’s economic and political crisis continues to worsen, it seems increasingly unlikely that President Nicolás Maduro and the so-called Bolivarian Revolution will survive the turmoil, and there is still no clear-cut way out for the Venezuelan people.
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As relations between Ecuador’s new president and his populist predecessor become tense, populism is becoming, well, less popular.
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The Brazilian media has had a very difficult time accurately representing the social and/or political concerns in the northeastern section of Brazil.
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The “leftist government” of today has failed our expectations for progress. Consequently, we need a double emancipation from the two exploitative pillars of power: the State and capital.
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Only two years after protests against corruption led to Otto Pérez Molina resigning from the presidency, Guatemalans have again taken to the streets, demanding that President Jimmy Morales Cabrera give up his immunity, resign, and be judged for suspected corruption.
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Australia is conducting a referendum vote by mail regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage, headed by Prime Minister Turnbull’s Liberal Party.
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