The upcoming Brazilian elections have caused a plethora of political turmoil, as political violence takes the lead.
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More than 80% of Venezuelans reject the totalitarian tendencies of the current government, headed by Nicolás Maduro.
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While the Mexican public widely believes that Mexican elections are plagued with fraud, people question if the governing PRI’s corrupt practices will be enough to keep them in power after this year’s presidential election.
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Amidst recent debate over whether or not to expand the legality of abortion in Argentina, the issue of abortion’s morality has overshadowed the issue of its legality.
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In a recent, lengthy, televised interview, Mexicans got a detailed look at one of the front runners in the presidential campaign.
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In March, Colombia had two important rounds of democratic voting; one to elect seats in their Senate and House of Representatives and the other to elect presidential candidates from each electoral party.
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The introduction of Brazilian Armed Forces in the state of Rio de Janeiro was decreed in February by Brazilian President Michel Temer in an effort to make progress in decreasing and controlling violent and drug-related crime in the city.
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As a result of the Lava Jato corruption scandal affecting multiple Latin American countries, the Peruvian people’s trust in their elected officials and institutions is extremely low and constitutes Peru’s worst political crisis since the fall of fujimorismo.
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Is it the end of electoral politics in Latin America?
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While Venezuela does face economic and political turmoil, there is reason to remain optimistic.
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