The Occupation Casa cultural Hip Hop Jaçanã Volunteers in the Region with Social, Educational, and Cultural Activities for the Community


Casa Cultural provides activities open to the public in the region, including: Capoeira, popular courses, delivery of milk and basic food baskets, cinema debate, and music class, among others.

According to Karina Iliescu of Jornalistas Livres of São Paulo, the organization is recognized by City Hall.

On the morning of Thursday, June 18th, Casa cultural Hip Hop Jaçanã received a “visit” from the Municipal Guard saying that the space should be vacated. According to information reported, the police said they wanted to do a new municipal guard post at that place. The region already has a Municipal Guard post that is located in Vila Guilherme, less than 800 meters from the location. The region needs a Cultural Space, and it already exists, with a lot of struggle.

No more Municipal Guard posts!