The Battle Over Gender Ideology in Latin America


–Researched and Written by Juan Rocha Castro— Issue Jul 01-31 2023: Gender ideology is the union of philosophical ideas, which interprets sexuality as a purely psychological and cultural issue, nullifying the influence of human nature. The region has reported how bills or religious committees have shown their displeasure and criticism concerning the ideology that seeks to promote equality between the two common genders, while the militants of this set of ideas are supported by different governments or NGOs.

El Nacional of Paraguay noted the bill that the bench of senators of Honor Colorado presented in the upper house; the bill passed seeks to prohibit the promotion or teaching of gender ideology topics throughout Paraguay. Senators Natalicio Chase, Lizarella Valiente, Gustavo Leite y Derlis Maidana announced this legislative project through their Twitter profiles: “[W]ith a group of colleagues we echo and represent the clamor of the vast majority of Paraguayan families. No to gender ideology in education,” wrote the legislators.

In Tiempo of Honduras, Laura Cáceres reported how the Catholic cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga manifested in a religious act that ideologies want to end families in addition to falling into aberrations, adding how gender ideology is presented as the future in modernity, and that its final mission is to end the family because it destroys the sexual identity of people. During the Catholic act, the cardinal pointed out that many people spend life trying to have a good time, but that they “get attached to everything that is the enemy of true love.”

In Línea Directa of Mexico, Mireya Trejo reported the decision of Judge Yadira Elizabeth Medina Alcántara, of the Third District Court for Administrative Matters in Mexico City, who ordered the review of the content of free textbooks to make sure that the free material does not include indoctrination in sexual ideology. In addition, Sofía Nereyda Miranda Leal noted how the term inclusion only focuses on people attracted to those of the same sex, are bisexual, or possess another type of sexual orientation, excluding mention of people with some type of neurological diseases such as Asperger syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or autism.

In addition, Miranda Leal added that children should receive a secular and free education and that parents should care for and protect their children from “garbage” ideologies; therefore, education should be provided free of gender ideologies or any type of ideology.

In Vanguardia of Mexico, Sergio Carmona noted how hate speech on social networks concerning the LGBTQ Community has grown by around 40% in the last four years. In Mexico, hate messages revolve around gender ideology. However, the North American country is the third country to receive more messages of support for the ideological collective. Among the most common messages in support of the committee are support for the Trans community; respect for decisions related to gender identity; and the right to place the rainbow flag in institutions.