No, seriously. A frog from Sehuencas, Bolivia, named Romeo, has been looking for a mate for the past 10 years, but with no luck. Given his old age and emotional desperation, if he doesn’t find someone soon, the species may be in danger of extinction, as is the case in Ecuador and Peru. Professionals at the Iniciativa Anfibios de Bolivia are doing all they can to find Romeo a mate and start a breeding program at the Cochabamba Museum of Natu…

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…rating in the country since March this year, the Mexican brand Big Bang officially launched operations in October. El Financiero of Mexico City reported that the Mexican clothing brand, which has two main stores in Santa Ana and San Sebastián, contends that it has apparel to fit all situations, business and social, and even all of Costa Rica’s “microclimates.” The brand’s launch is officially set to take place at the Hotel Crown Plaza Corocibí and…

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is known for the era of digitalization, which has produced intelligent factories, the “internet of things,” and endless inventions that are produced to facilitate tasks for humans, and even replacing their labor. El Observador of Montevideo stated that the PwC consultancy presented data to show the impact that the technological revolution has globally on the labor market and on consumers. According to the data, Ur…

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Dominican Republic’s Defense Ministry has “sealed” the border with Haiti, given its political instability, “with heightened patrols by highly trained troops, ready to act against any adversity.” Dominican Today of Santo Domingo wrote that Haiti opposition groups called for civil disobedience, which further jeopardizes President Michel Martelly’s administration. The measure however doesn’t include additional troops, according to Border Security (C…

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…hey have flagged Latin America has as an “emerging market” that offers significant growth potential for New Zealand tourism. Specifically, Tourism New Zealand’s Chief Executive Kevin Bowler says research into the Latin American markets of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico revealed that Brazil is the market which offers the most significant opportunities. Through months of “detailed analysis of the region’s potential for visitors to New Zealand,”…

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…ol vessel, the Corvette “Almirante Padilla,” which asked, “Do you have permission to be here?” to which they crew replied in the negative. They were then “invited to leave the territorial waters of Colombia,” which the vessel then did, said the President. And though a diplomatic note was sent to the United States Embassy in Colombia, Santos added that “This happens a lot. There’s nothing extraordinary here, so we must not make a tempest in a teapo…

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…e by the Chinese State Councilor, Yang Jiechi, and the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño at a meeting in Beijing. “China attaches great importance to developing relations with Ecuador and hopes that in the near future it will become an example of the kind of relations China can have with Latin America and the Caribbean,” Yang said during the meeting. It was the second time the two politicians met, but the first with Yang as state councilo…

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Inside Costa Rica of San José says Russia has its eyes on expanding its military presence by establishing military bases in Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba according to a statement by Russian Defense Minister, Serguei Shoigu, and Costa Rica is not thrilled by the proposal. Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega, has always maintained friendly relations with Russia, which for its part has donated military hardware to the country and participated in mil…

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…r pollution at a construction site in downtown Lima. It has also set up a similar billboard at the construction site of its future campus in Barranco. A video posted on the website, said the billboard’s “purifying structure filters the air as effectively as 1,200 trees.” This is equal to about 3.5 million cubic feet of fresh oxygen per day. “The technology attached to the billboard absorbs the pollution, filters it using thermodynam…

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The United States criticized Cuban censorship after Cubans were blocked from an independent website that is challenging the state monopoly on news on the island. According to Buenos Aires Herald dissident Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez started publishing, but would-be readers were redirected to another site that is highly critical of her, reflecting the official line. Sánchez’s site remained blocked to the small minority of Cubans…

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