…n search of a better future and for better economic prospects for their families. Grecia Ortíz of Guatemala City’s La Hora reports that this decision is many times derived from the few opportunities for income, health, and education faced by thousands of Guatemalans, particularly those living in rural areas and indigenous communities. According to the 2016 Human Development report by the United Nations’ Human Development Program (UNDP), the agricu…

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…wer plants: photovoltaic El Aromo (200 megawatts) and wind power Villonaco II and III (110 megawatts). The award of these contracts will be announced on April 15, 2020. Vistazo Magazine of Ecuador published information from the Technical Commission of the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources which indicated that the El Aromo project, located in the province of Manabí, received 19 bids, while Villonaco II and III, located in Loja,…

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…ile, the Metropolitan University of Technology, and six other state universities. DiarioUChile reported that the event presented the five women’s work and provided a space for them to talk about how their work discusses gender norms and women’s representation. “Gender as a Territory” is part of a larger conversation through events covering topics like democracy and human rights co-organized by universities around Chile. “It’s important…

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…ation,” she explained. To promote the development of tourism in these municipalities, ‘Antioquia is magic’ develops physical interventions and promotional events in each territory. According to the First Lady, the capacities of nearly 120 businessmen and entrepreneurs have also been strengthened in training processes in rural and sustainable tourism. She added that the department has “extraordinary experiences” to offer in agrotourism…

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The exhibition entitled Un Cauduro es un Cauduro (Es un Cauduro) recently opened at the Colegio de San Ildefonso. This exhibition displays 161 works created over the past 50 years by muralist and painter Rafael Cauduro. In La Jornada of Mexico City, Alondra Flores Soto reported on these works which portray “angels that see humanity burn, naked women in lust, scenes of injustice, migrants on board rusty trains, or reflections on disabilities in th…

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…formation System documented record-breaking data for 2022. In 1993, the decision to establish the Ministry of Environment led to the development of one of the country’s most important databases in the year 2000, the Colombian Biodiversity Information System (SiB). Edwin Caicedo noted in El Tiempo of Bogotá that this information system is perhaps one of the most important document banks for the environmental sector, safeguarding 20,645,440 biologic…

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…aunched on April 29 with the hopes of increasing the exposure of these Brazilian artists. Jornalistas Livres of São Paulo reported on the launch of Katahirine, which unites 71 women from 32 ethnicities, who are dedicated to audiovisual productions. The launch occurred on April 29, with the support of the Minister of Indigenous People, Sônia Guajajara, live on Instituto Catitu’s Youtube Channel. The main objective of Katahirine is to empower the fi…

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…her work via Zoom as part of the Chilean arts festival Santiago de Mil. Writing for La Nación of Buenos Aires, Marina Oybin described Abramovic’s appearance in the festival, which was a hybrid of virtual and in-person events. About 1,000 people tuned from Chile, Argentina, Peru and Brazil to watch the conference featuring six of her historic performances. Those works include Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful, one of her first perfor…

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…ss—an error code in a situation of life or death. This is also what the official U.S. government website clearly states: “Non-citizens located in central or northern Mexico seeking to enter the United States may use the application…” ( Writing for La Jornada of Mexico City, Arturo Cano reported that the difficulty these migrants face has now increased, citing that the Mexican government has canceled the travel-permits required t…

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…istics show that more people in Latin America are seeking food that is nutritious, produced sustainably, and sold locally. Chefs and other gastronomy experts have attested that unique ingredients that are in season are more widely sought after, and huge supermarkets are losing their appeal. The main ingredients in dishes in restaurants all over Latin America are more popularly vegetables, especially vegetables prepared in a creative and innovative…

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