Issue Feb 21-27 2024: Minister of the Environment Marina Silva reiterated Brazil’s dedication to reaching zero deforestation by 2030.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: President Andrés Manuel López Obrador responded to the protesters in Mexico City by referring to them as hypocrites and servants of an oligarchy.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: In the more than four years since Merlín Chambi has had his channel, he has gained a community that supports his work in historical dissemination, both for his fun and playful way of presenting history and for his channel’s rigor.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: February 29, 2024 marked the theatrical release of Los Viejos Soldados, the most recent film by acclaimed Bolivian director Jorge Sanjinés Aramayo.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: The Maká Indigenous community will march on February 28 at 7:00 am in Asunción, Paraguay, to protest the construction of the Héroes del Chaco Bridge into their territory.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: As the Ecuadorean economy continues to grapple with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a surge in violence across the country, President Daniel Noboa has worked diligently to enact reforms and balance the country’s national accounts.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: Amid Mexico’s ongoing drug war and its devastating consequences, which include frequent kidnappings, disappearances, and other criminal violence that claims tens of thousands of lives each year, a new force has emerged.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: Having recently won a $20,000 fellowship from the Miami-based CINTAS Foundation, Cuban artist Fabián Peña plans to use the money to create a series of childhood portraits depicting the 20th century’s worst monsters in collages made of cockroaches and flies.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: President da Silva’s comparison of the Israeli massacre of Palistinians to the Holocaust has given the Brazilian media ammunition to indulge in their favorite pastime: Lula-bashing.

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Issue Feb 21-27 2024: In the south of Colombia, green landscapes, mountains, and volcanos all define the department of Nariño.

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