Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Vidalina Morales describes herself as a “farmer, mother, and wife,” but she is also a social activist who works to defend women’s rights and break stereotypes in the midst of El Salvador’s “critical” political and social situations.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Contrary to reports from the Bolivarian media that the recent eighth summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was successful, the meeting’s actual outcomes are not encouraging when compared with the past two summits.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: The national Institution of Human Rights and Ombudsman (INDDHH) issued a statement to express its “deep concern” for the “expressions of hatred and anti-Semitism” that took place during the march to commemorate International Women’s Day.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: The first 100 days of Ecuador’s president, Daniel Noboa, came to an end in the middle of a serious security crisis that couldn’t be stopped with the declaration of a state of emergency and internal armed conflict at the national level.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: In a vote marked by irregularities, the right-wing majority Peruvian Congress removed and disqualified two magistrates from the National Board of Justice (JNJ) for ten years.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Amid accusations of sabotaging Venezuelan opposition candidate María Corina Machado’s campaign, Manuel Rosales, the governor of Zulia, and his party, Un Nuevo Tiempo (A New Era), reaffirmed their support for Machado.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: As Mexico’s cartels continue to widen their violent and economic reach, many wonder what will become of the country’s security policy when President Andrés Manuel López Obrador leaves office in late September.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (MinCIT) has opened a call to all the territories in Colombia that wish to enter the Best Tourist Villages competition hosted by the United Nations Tourism to find the best rural tourist towns.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Developing imagination, critical thinking, analytical skills, and observation drive projects, utopias, and “design a better world.”

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Since 2010, only 68 Venezuelans have received refugee status in Chile. Only 7% of refugee status petitions were accepted between 2010-2023.

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