Issue Mar 06-12 2024: In Argentina, the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC) indicated that inflation stood at 13.2%, a slowdown compared to the previous rate; the cumulative rate for 2023 stands at 276.2%.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Despite political normalization and a strong economy, the administration of Brazilian President Lula da Silva has seen a drop in approval ratings during the first months of 2024.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: How do people develop their sense of reality in communities where independent media is scarce?

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: It has been two years since Gabriel Boric and his close friends and militants took the helm of the ship of the Chilean State.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Despite Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s promise to stamp out illegal mining and end deforestation in the Amazon by 2030, small-scale gold miners continue to devastate the country’s Indigenous lands.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: In 2023, Peru received almost U.S. $4.5 billion in workers’ remittances (earnings sent by migrants to support their relatives back home), which marks nearly a 20% increase from the year before.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: President Biden did not mention Mexico once in the State of the Union Address, while Trump only talked about Mexico negatively.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua gave the Ministry of the Interior (MINT) control of the production and organization of public activities and artistic performances.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: Peruvian Congresswoman Lady Camones Soriano presented a legislative initiative aimed at amending the General Fisheries Law, drawing criticism for potentially weakening protections for hydrobiological species and artisanal fishing.

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Issue Mar 06-12 2024: The European Union (EU) will contribute to regenerating Lake Yojoa, Honduras’ largest freshwater reserve, which is suffering negative impacts from climate change and pollution.

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