…ced the 6th edition of the Visual Arts Award contest, this time focused on murals with the theme of “The world in times of the coronavirus.” Residents of Paraguay who are over 18 years old can present a mural for the competition until September 22nd. The artist must email a participation form to with an image of the proposed project, a description of the work, and the technique used.  …

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…investment, development, and pay.” Former president Dilma Rousseff assumed command of the institution in April. Lula indicated that Brazil has as well been negotiating with China and Russia to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a long standing demand articulated during his previous administrations. Brazil has occupied a rotating chair on eleven separate occasions, with Russia and China being the only BRICS members to occupy a pe…

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…elucci, along with other women, created a Carnival block called “Maria Vem com as Outras” that opened up a space for women and women musicians to feel respected and appreciated. Angelucci also emphasized that this block will be a safe space for women as harassment towards women is a huge issue during Carnival. Along with gender being a prevalent theme during Carnival, race has made an appearance in many cities. The Ilú Obá de Min block, created in…

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…u has average speeds of 5.44 and 1.09 megabits per second and trails on the Internet behind Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, among others. This leaves Peru at a disadvantage to other South American business competitors. The list of countries in the region is derived from of Ookla, a global leader in testing broadband connections with a presence in 195 countries…

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…sseff” because of her “unethical” behavior, bought two Porsche Cayennes with money obtained in the Petrobras bribery scandal. One of the Porsches was for his wife, journalist Claudia Cruz. Cunha apparently laundered the dirty petro-cash for the cars through a shell company known as “” and bank accounts tied to his neo-Pentecostal church. The details of such offenses, backed by documents arriving from Switzerland, came out just as Cunha wa…

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…prostitution of persons of any sex or age.” Strecker’s web page,, has been stripped of its content and archived stories, and is now serving as a fundraiser for his legal defense funds. The site’s domain is registered in Arizona, which has led to questions as to whether protection from the United States’ First Amendment should apply. But officials said that as long as Strecker is on Costa Rican soil, he is liable to this country’s con…

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…; Juanita Samper, of Colombia’s El Tiempo ; Yolanda Vaccaro, of Peru’s El Comercio ; Spanish combat reporter Marc Marginedas and Spanish journalist Ana Vaca de Osma. Rosario Pons, EFE director of Communications acted as secretary. The King of Spain International Journalism Awards are meant to recognize Spanish and Portuguese language writers and communicators working in the countries that make up the Ibero-American Community, as well as in those…

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…were about Avianca. Regarding travel agencies, there were a total of 2,139 complaints, of which 45.4% were about, followed by Viajes Falabella which accounted for 19.4% of the complaints. (Yet overall, travel agencies received favorable reviews claims by consumers at 51.9%.) The Regional Director of Sernac for Santiago, Juan Carlos Luengo, had called for the feedback from consumers, and stressed that “before seeking any tourist servic…

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…s wrote that Father Marciano Toledo, priest and historian, told ULTIMAHORA.COM that the mural is a mixture of history and legend. The mural follows the history of the image of L a Virgen de los Milagros since 1600, when the Franciscans settled Caacupé, Atyra, Altos and the Ypacaraí Lake area. The image is said to have been carved by the Indian José, who had been catechized by the Franciscans, and who were “beset by wild tribes like the pajaguaes o…

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…lthough the CDEEE and the contractors Odebrecht-Acero Estrella submitted the project’s site with 2. 25 million square meters of land to the Environment Ministry, its title or decree on eminent domain was not annexed. Among the Committee members who filed the complaint figure Elizabeth Tejada Gallardo, José René Olivo Salazar, Domingo Acevedo, Wilfredo Velázquez Gomez, Rafael Enrique de León, Rubén Toribio Rosario, Demetrio Urbi and Fausto Aybar Ur…

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