Issue Mar 20-26 2024: On March 26th, federal deputy Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL-RS) reestablished the Frente Parlamentar em Defesa do Livro, Leitura e Escrita (Parliamentary Front in Defense of Books, Reading, and Writing) in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: The death of Ana Júlia, a six-meter anaconda well known by locals and tour guides in the Brazilian municipality of Bonito, has shocked the local community.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: The United States Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal made by Grupo Unidos por el Canal, S.A. (GUPCSA) – a construction consortium led by the Spanish company Sacyr – regarding a $271.8 million arbitration awarded to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP).

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo met with Joe Biden during an official visit to the United States, which experts characterized as a clear show of support for the new Central American government.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: Guatemalan and Salvadoran authorities held their first bilateral meeting in the border post of Valle Nuevo, Jutiapa, with the objective of strengthening tourist safety and international cooperation between the two nations.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) issued a ruling that Peru is responsible for violating the rights of 80 inhabitants in La Oroya, Junín.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: According to Minister of Finance Fernando Hadaad, Brazil’s ability to achieve zero primary deficit in 2024 will depend on the evolution of its economy.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: New evidence has been revealed in the Rio de Janeiro Marielle Franco assassination case, with the director general of Brazil’s Federal Police shedding light on the motivations behind the activist’s notorious murder.

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: Governor of Buenos Aires Axel Kicillof characterized the decision of the Argentinian government to postpone an increase in retirement benefits until July as yet another “robbery.”

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Issue Mar 20-26 2024: In Uruguay, the primary candidates for the Frente Amplio (FA) met to commemorate the coalition’s 53rd anniversary, and to elaborate on their own specific visions for the future.

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