Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Coup-mongering is more alive than ever in Brazil; irrespective of its failures, the extreme right is still committed to Bolsonarism and its vision of Brazilian democracy, ended.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: In Peru, the Organización Nacional de Familiares de los Asesinados y Víctimas de las Masacres del 2022 y el 2023 announced their intention to take to the streets in Lima on the 1st of May to demand justice for their fallen family members, killed by State agents during the Juliaca massacre.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Yeremi Melendez, a bookseller who has just launched La Carraca in Peru with his friend Christian Maestre, stated, “The memory of Venezuela is dismantled.”

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: The Panamanian prosecutor’s office requested 12 years in prison, the maximum penalty for money laundering, for Jürgen Mossack and Ramón Fonesca, founders of the defunct law firm at the center of the international “Panama Papers” scandal.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Axel Kicillof and Verónica Magario, Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Buenos Aires, were present at the Federal University March, which was a protest against the defunding of public education that the Government under La Libertad Avanza is carrying out.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: The Secretary General of the Agencia de Promoción Turística de Centroamérica (CATA), Boris Iraheta, said in an interview with EFE that sustainable tourism and thinking strategically “can change and turn around the social and economic situations of a country.”

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Luiz Ignácio Lula da Silva and Gustavo Petro met and discussed extremist governments, the upcoming elections in Venezuela, and regional integration with the Amazon.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: One of President Gustavo Petro’s goal is to reduce poverty and create a more equal society. Some of these programs include providing housing, food, education, healthcare, or subsidies to poor homes.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: April 23 marked the United Nations’ Spanish Language Day.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: On Monday, April 22, the Nicaraguan government made a deal allowing a Chinese company, Xinxin Linze Minería Group, to explore and exploit the minerals of the Caribbean coast for the next 25 years.

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