Issue Apr 17-23 2024: “Chucos” or “mata niños” have become a dish widely recognized by both locals and foreigners who visit Santa Ana in El Salvador.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Over 25 years ago, Intel installed a plant in Costa Rica to produce and test the processors that gave computing power to computers of that time.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Nine environmental sacrifice zones have been identified in Bolivia, according to the League for the Defense of the Environment (Lidema), on International Mother Earth Day.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: In Nueva Oceanía, a community in the Peruvian Amazon, sightings of the Mashco Piro, an Indigenous group in isolation, have increased due to nearby forestry concessions.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Acknowledging the importance of reforming the political system, President Gabriel Boric emphasized the immediate need to address pension reform and the fiscal pact before prioritizing broader political changes.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: With the arrival of spring, salt collectors are out once more in full force amidst the shores of Laguna de Cuyutlán, bordering the Pacific Ocean in Colima, Mexico.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: The increasing urgency of the climate crisis is spurring action to conserve, recover, and restore Brazilian forest.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Former president of Uruguay José Mujica criticized the United Nations (UN) as being “bankrupt, insipid, and costly.”

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: U.S. president Joe Biden announced that he was working with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to prevent China from avoiding tariffs by introducing steel and aluminum into the United States through the country’s southern neighbor.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Costa Rican President Rodrigo Chaves held an audience with José Raúl Mulino, successor to the  Panamanian ex-head of state Ricardo Martinelli, and a frontrunner in that country’s upcoming presidential elections.

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