Issue May 08-14 2024: For many years, Finland has consistently been ranked as the happiest country in the world, making it an attractive location for expatriates.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Costa Rica is considering reactivating their “Special Temporary Category,” a mechanism designed to facilitate the migration of Nicaraguans, Cubans, and Venezuelans into the country.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: In Brazil, temporary shelters are providing refuge to more than 76,000 people displaced by flooding in Rio Grande do Sul.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: El Salvador’s congress has approved a 26th extension of the country’s so-called state of exception, which suspends constitutional rights relating to arrests and detention.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: According to university professor, researcher and legal advisor Oscar Villanueva, Bolivia is ruled by a “jurocracy” in which the judicial system manipulates legal doctrines to favor the executive branch, to the detriment of the rule of law.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: The 90s alternative indie rock band Pavement made its debut in Chile at the Teatro Coliseo of Santiago, and every seat was filled.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: The Frente Comuneros del Sur (Comuneros), a combat group in the mountainous Nariño district in Colombia, announced their break with the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) in order to initiate territorial peace agreements with the government.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: On June 9, the United States plans to introduce new rules to increase the processing speed of asylum applications, likely the beginning of stricter border policies.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Claudio Fermín, presidential candidate and leader of the Solutions party, said that he would fight “the two extremes” of Venezuelan politics, meaning the government of Nicólas Maduro and the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD). He criticized the PUD, the opposition party, of getting foreign funds through NGOs and encouraging people not to

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Amidst a food crisis, the Cuban Government dispatched Antonio Carricarte, president of the Chamber of Commerce, to Spain to court businessmen for investment in food production on the island. Simultaneously, a U.S. delegation of congressmen and farmers visited Havana to express interest in expanding commercial ties.

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