Issue May 08-14 2024: With the demotion of La Corona from glacier to ice field, Venezuela has become the first country in modern history to lose all its glaciers.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) revised upwards their average growth projection for Brazil in response to forecasted improvements in the country’s economy.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: According to Confederación de Asociaciones Rurales de Santa Fe (Carsfe), Route 11 is in “deplorable condition” despite it being a key route for the transfer of agricultural products.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: “Latin America has a serious growth problem,” argued José Antonio Ocampo regarding the weak economic expansion in the region, resulting in long-term political, institutional, social, and cultural challenges and instability.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: The Spanish language has been impacted by the use of anglicisms, resulting in “espánglica” or Spanglish.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: The Colombian Foreign Ministry notified the Israeli Embassy in Bogotá of the decision to sever diplomatic ties between the two countries on May 2.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Mauricio Macri faces his biggest challenge with the party he founded nearly 20 years ago.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Chile seems to have suffered a shock, a short circuit in memory, forgetting its recent progressive history.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador highlighted that the flow of migrants arriving at the border with the United States has decreased by 50% in 2024 compared to a peak last December.

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Issue May 08-14 2024: In addition to luxurious rooms, El Templo offers heartbreaking views, a restaurant, and exciting adventure activities.

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