Issue Jun 05-11 2024: President Gabriel Boric’s announcement that he would pursue legal projects related to the national care and support system, wage equality and the legalization of abortion represent good news for the advancement of women’s rights in Chile.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: The Honduran government has announced a national emergency plan to combat dengue.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: In Mexico, the price of cilantro has quadrupled in a single month, going from 110 to 450 pesos per handful between the 2nd of May and the 4th of June.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Scattered across the Americas, the remnants of MS-13 now languish in self-imposed exile, having fled El Salvador’s State of Exception.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Cuba’s National Electoral Council (CEN) will hold snap elections to fill vacant seats in the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power (AMPP), an unprecedented occurrence in the political body’s history.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Brazil’s public education system is chronically neglected by both the government and by civil society, with two prominent exceptions – during municipal elections, when spurious promises are made, later to be forgotten, and during strikes, when the media remembers the existence of educators just long enough to take turns denigrating them.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Moconá, a natural reserve located in the center-easter of Argentina’s Misiones province bordering Brazil, offers immersive multi-sensory experiences in the jungle.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Opposition Presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia strongly rejected the agreement proposed by Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to recognize the results of the National Electoral Council (CNE) regarding the upcoming presidential elections on July 28.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: From La Botellita, it is being reported that there are provincial officials with soup kitchens.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: “We are exhausted from this dichotomy between left and right. Imagine the impact of a politician saying: I choose neither the right nor the left. I choose the high road,” proclaimed Italian singer Ultimo in a recent interview.

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