…in 2016 according to preliminary data recently released by the State Department, which indicate that the visa denials to Cubans were 81.85%. During the process of application, each interview to request a visa costs the applicant about 160 CUC without possibility of reimbursement, and those rejected never receive explanations on why they were denied permission for the trip. Last year 14,291 Cubans received visas for family visits, to participate i…

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…e island. For example, 52% supported the elimination of the wet foot, dry foot policy which allowed Cubans who arrived on US soil to stay. This demonstrates that “the community is divided” when it comes to relations with Cuba and dealing with newcomers to the United States….

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After an important electoral vote for the Ley de Urgente Consideración referendum, the majority of Uruguayan citizens voted “no,” according to Uruguay’s Electoral Court. LaRed21 of Uruguay reported that 1,087,557 Uruguayans voted “no” on repealing President Luis Lacalle Pou’s 135 Articles that make up the Law of Urgent Consideration, while 1,065,001 voters said “yes.” Senator Gustavo Penadés of the ruling National Party stated that this vote has…

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…and a tour guide, said, “[Itacaré] is for those who are looking for a more complete experience. A direct contact with the [Mata Atlântica], full of discoveries… anyone who truly loves nature cannot be left out.” In Itacaré, many refer to the tour guide as “Zé do Ambrósio.” He noted that he is concerned by the removal of trees for the construction of new buildings. He feels that the expansion into the reserve of Itacaré will strip the city of its u…

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…ients. Race plays a role, as 31% of white Cubans receive money from abroad compared to 25% of mixed-race individuals and 21% of Black Cubans. Despite an energy crisis, electricity supply has improved slightly, but outages remain common. Access to water remains challenging for 17% of Cubans, and housing conditions have worsened, with 56% needing repairs, and 15% at risk of collapse. As a result, disapproval of the government has surged, with nearly…

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…ijing Fengtai District Health Commission, “the agreement symbolizes a deep commitment to the development of medical capabilities and the improvement of public health in Peru,” stated Wang Qiang, BMATM’s director, who also highlighted the importance of technological cooperation between Peru and China. Additionally, Peru’s President Dina Boluarte held a working meeting with representatives of Chinese companies BYD and China Railway International on…

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…ds of Guatemalans, particularly those living in rural areas and indigenous communities. According to the 2016 Human Development report by the United Nations’ Human Development Program (UNDP), the agricultural sector is most affected in terms of income, with 90% of agricultural workers receiving less than minimum wage and no social security coverage. The report also states that 73% of the population does not have sufficient income to buy a basic ba…

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…hat is ours with tours of their farms and their crops that are truly magical and give value to municipalities such as alternative tourist destinations.” The website was created as a part of the department’s tourism promotion efforts.  …

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…ing. They argue that while “ other disciplines embrace diversity and teach competing theories even when they are mutually incompatible, economics is often presented as a unified body of knowledge.” They acknowledge that “the dominant tradition has internal variations. Yet, it is only one way of doing economics and of looking at the real world. Such uniformity is unheard of in other fields; nobody would take seriously a degree program in psychology…

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…ure approved in 2001 based on Article 21 of the Democratic Charter (, and would not even recognize the new government to be headed by Roberto Micheletti, who was first in the line of succession. Brazil’s response was to freeze economic ties with Honduras through shared programs and through the National Economic-Social Development Bank. While the U.S. did not react as harshly, it was…

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