…and presence in the mass media. These are indisputable advantages when it comes to organizing political campaigns and converting religious authority into votes. The evangelical and Pentecostal movement is characterized by its tendency for fragmentation: its leaders compete with each other to captivate more faithful and demonstrate that they are the genuine repositories of the charisma. This rivalry incessantly fractures this religious movement an…

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…on its own. The goal for the fiscal deficit for this year is 4.2% of the GDP. According to Burgo, this year will end with 3.7% of the GDP. The government still defends its stance on the deficit by stating that the plan is actually working when labor is taken into consideration. Finally, according to Burgo, the last aspect of Macri’s plan, employment, is being handled effectively. Economist and Professor Javier Lindenboim stated that employment ha…

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…are 7,000 rooms under construction at present and 2,000 in renovation, with 600 rooms added in Puerto Plata, which now total 12,300. Finally, Puerto Plata’s cruise tourism jumped 52%, with the arrival in 2016 of 832,000 cruise passengers at Amber Cove terminal, in Maimón. “Now that the industry has more rooms, it has also grown in quality of accommodation,” said Martínez. Also adding to tourism’s good news is the construction of five new hotels at…

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…roves are unique ecosystems that not only support the integrity of coastal communities, but their existence provides an important economic base for local residents through valuable ecosystem services. Marlene Testa of La Estrella de Panamá of Ciudad de Panamá reported on the United Nations for Development study on the ‘Protection of Reserves and Carbon Sinks in Mangroves and Protected Areas in Panama.’ The study sought to quantify the monetary val…

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…of many plants that are endemic to southern Ecuador. Isabel Alarcón of El Comercio of Quito reported that Bosque Medicinal has operated since 2016 in and around the ecological reserve called El Paraíso in Morona Santiago, Ecuador. El Paraíso consists of nearly 600,000 hectares and houses a unique variety of vegetation. Biologist and coordinator of Bosque Medicinal, Fredy Nugra, said that the organization is named for the many health-promoting qua…

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…as substance abuse, a latent human capital — fated with abandonment. Discussions on the topic were finalized with Brazil’s Procuradoria-Geral da República — Brazil’s national branch in charge of independently regulating the three pillars of government — providing recommendations that the gypsy community be included in the following demographic census and in research regarding local municipalities. They argued that the lack of data impedes the abi…

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…por scientists call “aerosol.” Hugo Vilchez, director of the company, explained how this modern “smoke-less” product works in comparison to a conventional cigarette. He said that “when a consumer is smoking a conventional cigarette, the firing temperatures oscillate between 600 and 900. That causes a combustion, a burning of paper and tobacco.” That is where more than 6,000 toxic elements are found. This modernized device is already being sold in…

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…or example cats, birds are very easy to see, hear, and count.” Birds are becoming a very powerful tool to use when trying to understand the effects of climate change. Places further north, like New York and Canada, are seeing some species of birds for the first time in 40 years. Down in Latin America, the results of global warming are causing the Andean forests to disappear. These forests are home to thousands of species of birds and play a vital…

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…rrilla group FARC, authored the journalists’ killings. There is a reward of 600 million pesos for information that can lead to his capture. Javier Ortega, Raul Rivas, and Efraín Segarra were kidnapped in the province of Esmeraldas. After this information became public, multiple versions appeared in the press that demonstrated that these individuals were liberated. On April 3, information came to the authorities that the journalists were executed….

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…egal claims,” which may jeopardize “the unity of the family” and “harm our communities.” Information from Vera shows that the program has helped more than “50,000 people detained in immigration centers” each year since 2003. For many immigrants, the program was the only source of legal advice they could receive during deportation proceedings. People could receive support that would “provide a general idea of the deportation process and could offer…

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