Issue Jun 19-30 2024: The municipality of Puerto Nariño is one of the Colombian Amazon’s most popular tourist destinations, receiving some 24,000 visitors each year, accommodated by 22 hotels and 19 travel agencies.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Negotiations between Honduras and China to establish a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries are set to wrap up by the end of July.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Brazilian President Lula da Silva stated that Argentinian President Javier Milei owed both him and Brazil an apology for “having said many stupid things,” and argued that fugitives of the January 8th attack on Brasília residing in Argentina should be imprisoned, if not extradited.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: JP Morgan reduced Panama’s risk of credit degradation and increased its GDP forecast from 0.5% to 3.5% for 2024.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Nicaraguans living in exile continue to suffer persecution at the hands of the Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo dictatorship, which employs various tactics designed to silence these dissidents.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Pablo Marçal – celebrity entrepreneur, fraudulent lifestyle coach and Bolsonarist – is currently the third place candidate in the São Paulo municipal elections, trailing eleven points behind the second place incumbent and Bolsonarist of convenience Ricardo Nunes.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Today’s world, just as today’s Brazil, is marked by polarization between the extreme right and democratic center; strong leftist parties and movements seem to be a thing of the past, something voters have lost their taste for.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Representatives of several institutions of Pasco, a Peruvian city in the Oxapampa province, petitioned Magaly Ruiz, president of the Special Commission on Climate Change, to request the Regional Government of Pasco information on the illegal roads inside the San Matías San Carlos Protected Forest (BPSMSC), a Protected Natural Area (PNA) of

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: Since 2018, the arrival of the Fourth Transformation (4T) in several state governments in Mexico has led to the invisibility and normalization of violence against individuals and defenders of territory and life.

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Issue Jun 19-30 2024: In 2019, after a “social outbreak,” Sergio Micco, the director of the Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH), stated that it was unclear whether or not the violations of human rights were systematic, but they were “serious.”

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