A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) on air quality in 1,600 cities in the world found that Cochabamba is one of the most polluted regions, (although Lima is worse.) La Razón of La Paz noted that t he study measured cities in 91 countries. In the case of Latin America Lima (Peru) is the most polluted, followed by Rancagua (Chile), Chillán (Chile), Santa Gertrudes (Brazil), and Cochabamba (Bolivia). The WHO used a pollution indicator PM…

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…e. De la Torre said that Latin America “is not just a market with more than 600 million consumers, it is a land of opportunity” which can “sustain global growth.” The region, he insisted, has experienced sustained economic growth over the last ten years “thanks to the economic and fiscal reforms and the liberalization undertaken by several countries” and deserves “the confidence of investors.” De la Torre highlighted the growth of the middle class…

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…Citizens Peace Foundation. The survey spanned 7,600 people in 52 different communities. 65% of the participants said that crime had increased in their community recently, while 65% also said crime will increase in the future. Only 7% said they believed that crime would decrease. Experts say this pessimistic view that the majority of Chileans hold is a reflection of the country’s government’s inability to reform its judicial system to c…

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…hted the role of trees on Earth Day. Peru, as throughout the world, must become aware of the importance of these natural settings. La Repú blica of Lima stated that Agrorural and the National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation pointed out the importance of trees to the students of José Maria Eguren de Barranco (Lima) School on Earth Day. The Barranco students planted native trees and committed themse…

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…Montenegro reports in Caretas Magazine of Peru that these artifacts mostly come from the Lima and Yschma cultures and date back nearly two thousand years. Jorge Olazábal, the general director of Cálidda, told Montenegro that the company turns over new artifacts to the Ministry of Culture every week. Olazábal hopes these artifacts help the Ministry “tell our history” in Peru. In order to safely preserve the artifacts encountered so frequently, Cáli…

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…orld,” according to their website. Since January of 2014 to June 2017, the company claims to have extracted 71.5 million ounces of silver, which costs six dollars an ounce to produce and 16 dollars to sell. When Tahoe Resources terminates work at Escobar mine, the state will need to cover the multimillion-dollar costs if the mine does not follow the standards for closing agreed upon with the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Exact numbers are difficul…

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…ges, which covers 2018. The agreed adjustments range from 3.31 percent for companies where 1 to 50 employees work; 5.0 percent, from 51 to 150 workers; and 6.0 percent, for companies with more than 150 employees. In Nicaragua, adjustments are made every six months; however, this year the National Minimum Wage Commission agreed to implement adjustments with two years of validity, following what happened in Honduras. In absolute terms, the average s…

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…ental Protection (Profepa) teamed up with the Peña Nieto administration to combat to illegal logging. They have pledged to reforest a minimum of one million hectares, a goal that has had an 88.5% success rate with at least 884,000 hectares reforested. In 2016 and 2017 alone, Profepa has made 5,195 inspections, 977 surveillance trips and 456 forestry operations. The National Security Commission and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resour…

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…at the Honduran government predicts that the ZEDEs will be able to generate 600 thousand new jobs within the first four years of their existence. The companies currently interested in investing include Gildan Activewear INC from Canada, Energy Transfer from the US, Wartsila Solutions from the Philippines, Lamericom International from China, Dong Jyu Group from Taiwan, as well as Honduran companies, Raptor Mining, Port Royal Development Group, Grou…

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…or us, quality of life… incorporates aspects that will help members of our community dedicate time to themselves in a very natural environment. In addition to the proven health benefits of being surrounded by trees, we are thrilled to think about the positive effect we could create on local wildlife.” Bird species in particular will be studied as a key indicator of the project’s impact. The club carried out a base inventory in August and September…

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